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Window inside home with a view to yard
June 24, 2024

How To Burglar-Proof Windows In Kansas City

It’s a dreaded scenario for homeowners - a thief climbing through a window and into your interior. You return home to discover belongings stolen and your dwelling in disarray. Thankfully, there are a few effective choices for safeguarding your most at-risk access areas. Find out how to burglar-proof windows in Kansas City and discover the advantages of a comprehensive security system.

Set Off Your Alarm With Entry Point Sensors

If an intruder makes an effort to open a window, your alarm ought to go off, and you should be alerted at once, even when you’re not at home. You may enjoy this connectivity when utilizing fully integrated window and door sensors in Kansas City. Select from these different kinds:

  • Contact sensors: Uncomplicated and versatile, contact sensors establish a magnetic field by using a two-piece system. The field is broken as the window is raised, causing your alarm to trigger. You might utilize contact sensors on windows, doors, and other places like outdoor pool entrances.
  • Glass break sensors: Less patient criminals could simply venture to smash a window instead of opening it. Prepare for this possibility with glass break sensors. You can come across acoustic ones that detect sound, others that recognize vibration from glass breaking, and some that detect both.

No matter your choice, the sensors will trigger your alarm system and even update you through your smartphone's security app.

Track Activity With Motion Detection Devices In Kansas City

If a prowler advances toward your residence and is all the sudden blasted with light, he will likely depart. Motion-detection lighting are quite effective in keeping trespassers away from windows. Place them strategically within range of your windows. On the interior, you may use standalone motion detectors as a secondary layer of security. You'll know if an individual enters a room they shouldn’t be in.

Dissuade Intruders With Outdoor Cameras And A Security Sign

If a flash of light is unable to keep prowlers away from your house, outdoor cameras might take care of it. The mere presence of cameras is usually all it takes to frighten off invaders. Today’s options may even work with your other components. Have lights illuminate and get instant updates dispatched to your cell phone and monitoring team. Home security signage provides an extra indicator that your home is not an ideal target.

Additional Ways To Burglar-Proof Windows In Kansas City

Your home’s security system and its integrated equipment will burglar-proof windows in Kansas City, but they aren’t the only option. Review these additional burglar-proofing solutions:

  • Attach window bars. This option may be utilized externally or inside. There are standard and more ornamental bars, in addition to several attachment modes. Pick from removable, fixed, or swing-away.
  • Update window fasteners and hardware. Find stronger, more secure locks, and opt for tamper-resistant screws that can’t be easily removed.
  • Add window security screens. Powerful, stainless-steel screens are difficult to get past.
  • Add window security film.Easy-to-install security film can be customized to your precise window dimensions. It works similarly to windshield glass and prevents the window from crashing into your interior.
  • Consider shatter-resistant glass. This unique glass is quite durable and stands up well against break-ins. It splinters into a spiderweb while keeping its shape. It may also defend against weather-related damage.

Safeguard Your Windows And All Areas Of Your Home With Secure24 Alarm Systems

Discover the latest devices to burglar-proof your windows and the rest of your Kansas City home by reaching out to Secure24 Alarm Systems. We supply top video cameras, motion detection options, and window sensors to keep you completely protected. Dial (816) 287-1177 today to customize your home security package.